December 29, 2022

Slated by Teri Terry (Slated #1)


KYLA HAS BEEN SLATED - her memory erased, her personality wiped blank. This is the government's way of dealing with teen terrorists: give them a fresh start as a new person. They teach Kyla how to walk and talk again, give her a new identity and a new family, and tell her to be grateful for this second chance.

It's also her last chance, and to ensure that she plays by their rules, Kyla is fitted with a Levo, a bracelet that monitors her mood and will stun - or even kill - her if her levels of anger or violence rise too high.

As she adjusts to her new life, Kyla can see she is different from the other Slateds. She asks too many questions and is plagued by nightmares that feel like memories - even though she shouldn't have memories. Who is she, really? Has her Slating gone wrong? And if only criminals are Slated, why are innocent people disappearing? Torn between the need to understand more and her instinct for self-peservation, Kyla knows a dangerous game is being played with her life, and she's determined not to let anyone see her make the wrong move...

Slated presents a really intriguing, yet exceptionally terrifying concept. The government outfits kids they consider terrorists with devices called Levos. If their mood sways in a way that is considered unacceptable, it can shock them or potentially kill them. 

This book follows the main character, Kyla, as she attempts to adjust to the slated life while still having too many questions for her own good, according to those in charge. She wants to remember who she is, or was. But, another rule is that their memory must be wiped and they aren't supposed to remember anything. 

Eventually, things get a bit out of hand. Is the slated life really worthwhile?

I really enjoyed the story because it was new and interesting. I found the characters intriguing as well which made me want to know what happens to them. 'Slated' is an easy book to get into and get lost in for a little bit. 

It's a super easy read. So if you're looking to escape to a weird, different version of the world we live in - give it a shot. 

4/5 stars

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October 15, 2022

Blood Test (Alex Delaware #2) by Jonathan Kellerman


It is a case unlike any psychologist Dr. Alex Delaware has ever encountered. Five-year-old Woody Swope is ill, but the real problem is his parents. They refuse to agree to the one treatment that could save this boy's life. Alex sets out to convince Mr. and Mrs. Swope--only to find that the parents have left the hospital and taken their son with them. Worse, the sleazy motel room where the Swopes were staying is empty--except for the ominous bloodstain. The Swopes and their son have vanished into the sordid shadows of the city. Now Alex and his friend, homocide detective Milo Sturgis, have no choice but to push the law to the breaking point. They've entered an amoral underworld where drugs, dreams, and sex are all for sale...where fantasies are fulfilled at any price--even at the cost of a young boy's life.

Book number two in the Alex Delaware series, and it was definitely another thriller.  

There were a lot of complicated and layered characters, but it was easy to keep there straight and interested to uncover different parts of them. And, once again, Alex had to do some traveling in his attempt to get answers to a case he was interested in. 

Yet, the whole book, there is the underlying worry for the kid - Woody - because he's suffering from cancer and needs to be found so he can get treatment. 

I think this was a quicker read than the first book was, but it still dealt with a lot of rough topics. That seems to be the theme in this series. There are a lot of sex crimes. That wasn't what I was expecting going in. 

Overall, I enjoyed the read. I look forward to #3. 

4/5 Stars

Memorable Quotes: "I'd long thought that a surfeit of sensitivity could be a killing thing, too much insight malignant in its own right. The best survivors -- there are studies that show it -- are those blessed with an inordinate ability to deny. And keep on marching."

"To trust someone is to take the greatest risk of all. Without trust nothing ever happens."

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October 1, 2022

Compulsion (Max Revere #2) by Allison Brennan


Investigative reporter Maxine Revere has a theory: that the five New York City murders for which Adam Bachman is being tried are just part of his killing spree. In probing the disappearance of a retired couple who vanished the prior summer, Max uncovers striking similarities to Bachman's MO and develops a theory that Bachman wasn't working alone.

Max wins a coveted pre-trial interview with the killer, whose disarming composure in the face of her questions is combined with uncomfortable knowledge of Max's own past. She leaves the room convinced, but unable to prove, that Bachman knows exactly what happened to the missing couple. The D.A. wants nothing to jeopardize his case against Bachman and refuses to consider Max's theory. With no physical evidence, Max has to rely on her own wits and investigative prowess to dig deep into Bachman's past. The picture that Max puts together is far darker and more deadly than she ever imagined.

As Max gets closer to the truth, she doesn't realize that she's walking down a road that has been paved just for her. That every step she takes brings her one step closer to a brilliant, methodical sociopath who has been waiting for her to make just one small mistake.

And when she does, he'll be there waiting.

When I started this book, I had no idea it was the second book in a series. That was unfortunate to me, because I hadn't read the first one. I don't like jumping into a series without reading the first book or reading them out of order in general. 

But, since I did it without knowing, I had to get over it and just pretend it was a standalone book. 

I will say, not having read the first book, I didn't feel like I had missed anything or that I was severely out of the know. So, Allison Brennan did a great job of welcoming new readers into the series if they were knew to her work like I was. 

I also found it interesting to read a crime novel from the POV of an investigative reporter. Usually they come from the POV of the detectives investigating the case. So this was a fresh change of pace to me. It was an interesting story, and it kept me hanging on until I finished it. 

I think I'll definitely be on the lookout for the other books in the series. I should probably read the first one so I can be all caught up. 

4/5 Stars

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When the Bough Breaks (Alex Delaware #1) by Jonathan Kellerman


In the first Alex Delaware novel, Dr. Morton Handler practiced a strange brand of psychiatry. Among his specialties were fraud, extortion, and sexual manipulation. Handler paid for his sins when he was brutally murdered in his luxurious Pacific Palisades apartment. The police have no leads, but they do have one possible witness: seven-year-old Melody Quinn.

It's psychologist Dr. Alex Delaware's job to try to unlock the terrible secret buried in Melody's memory. But as the sinister shadows in the girl's mind begin to take shape, Alex discovers that the mystery touches a shocking incident in his own past.

This connection is only the beginning, a single link in a forty-year-old conspiracy. And behind it lies an unspeakable evil that Alex Delaware must expose before it claims another innocent victim: Melody Quinn.

I read my first Jonathan Kellerman book awhile ago now, and I've had When the Bough Breaks sitting in my TBR pile for nearly as long. After finding a good chunk of the series at various book sales, it was finally time for me to dig in and read my way through it!

The good news is that I enjoyed the book. It'd be rather unfortunate if I had quite a few books In the series and ended up hating the first one. As someone who, obviously, enjoys mysteries and thrillers but is also a psychology nerd, this series appears to be a wonderful blend of those two interests. For those unfamiliar with the Alex Delaware series - Alex was a child psychologist. After being retired for a few, he becomes a consultant to the police. 

All of this was great and intriguing. What I wasn't expecting was just how graphic and vulgar some of the language was - especially since this novel deals with sexual abuse of children - another thing I was not prepared for. I usually keep my reviews as spoiler-free as possible. But, I feel like that needed to be mentioned. Because it was rough. 

There are also some things about the writing that make it obvious this series was started in the 80's. It's not specific to the 80's, per se, but some of the racial words and phrases used to describe people are now very out of date. I had to keep reminding myself that this was written decades  ago as I was reading it. I can only hope that as the series goes along, the vocabulary becomes more modern. 

Sidenote - as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I absolutely love that Milos is gay. That warmed my little heart. 

4/5 Stars. I've already started the 2nd book, and I look forward to seeing how the series progresses. 

Memorable Quote: “It was shaping up as a beautiful morning. The last thing I wanted to hear about was murder.”

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September 24, 2022

Heather, The Totality by Matthew Weiner


Mark and Karen Breakstone have constructed the idyllic life of wealth and status they always wanted, made complete by their beautiful and extraordinary daughter Heather. But they are still not quite at the top. When the new owners of the penthouse above them begin construction, an unstable stranger penetrates the security of their comfortable lives and threatens to destroy everything they've created.

The cover of this book says it's a novel. But I must have a different definition of a "novel" because this felt more like reading a storyboard. Like the author was putting together a timeline of how the book was going to be laid out and thoughts for where the plot would go . . . but then he would go back and fill it in with more details, dialogue, etc. 

It jumps from one thing to the next so quickly that I was never sure what I was supposed to pay attention to or what little details would be important. You'd think with such a short "novel" that every piece of it would be an important ingredient in telling the full story . . . instead, I was reading the elevator pitch for a full novel. 

It's rather unfortunate, too, because there is something here with this plot and the characters. It could have been something and perhaps become a really good actual novel if it had any life to it. I didn't feel any passion in the author's writing. It felt like he sat down at a computer and banged out this so-called novel in one afternoon and then called it a day. 

He also should have fired his editor. The amount of run-on sentences and the sheer word count of the word "and" were mind-numbing. 

1/5 stars. 1 star because it's a good base. But the writing is lazy and I refuse to believe this is a finished product. 

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September 20, 2022

U is For Undertow (Kinsey Millhone #21) by Sue Grafton


It's April 1988, a month before Kinsey Millhone's thirty-eighth birthday, and she's alone in her office catching up on paperwork when a young man arrives unannounced. He has a preppy air about him and looks as if he'd be carded if he tried to buy a beer, but Michael Sutton is twenty-seven, an unemployed college dropout.

He tells her a story. More than two decades ago, a four-year-old girl disappeared, and a recent newspaper story about her kidnapping has triggered a flood of memories. Sutton now believes he stumbled on her secret burial and could identify the killers if he saw them again. He wants Kinsey's help in locating the grave and finding the men. It's way more than a long shot, but he's persistent and willing to pay cash up front. Reluctantly, Kinsey agrees to give him one day of her time.

It isn't long before she discovers Sutton has an uneasy relationship with the truth. In essence, he's the boy who cried wolf. Is his story true, or simply one more in a long line of fabrications?

Moving between the 1980s and the 1960s, and changing points of view as Kinsey pursues witnesses whose accounts often clash, Sue Grafton builds multiple subplots and memorable characters. Gradually we see how everything connects. And as always, at the heart of her fiction is Kinsey Millhone, a sharp-tongued, observant loner who never forgets that under the thin veneer of civility is often the roiling dark side of the soul.

U is For Undertow is another installment in the Kinsey Millhone series. But, if you weren't aware of that going in, I could see how it may fool you. Because it's a Kinsey Millhone novel . . . with a severe lack of Kinsey. 

This is due to the novel traveling back and forth in time between the 60's and the 80's and between points of view. You get the perspective of 4 different characters, including Kinsey. I had no idea how it was all going to come together in the end, because they all seemed like completely different stories. 

It was a strange book where a lot happened, and it was fairly long, but it didn't really go anywhere until the very end. I understand having to lay down the full background and what led up to Kinsey investigating the case of a missing child from about 20 years prior, but I just didn't care about most of it. 

I could have lived without McNally's perspective. Corso was interesting. Deboroah Unruh's was necessary to paint the story with how it played out. Had the novel just flipped back and forth between Kinsey and Jon Corso, I feel like it may have had some more life and would have been more interesting - much like for T is for Trespassing flipped between Kinsey and "Solana Rojas". And that book kept me on the edge of my seat, especially at the end. 

There were just too many peripheral characters in 'U' that I didn't care about. Some of the chapters became a chore. 

And again - there was a severe lack of Kinsey. 

3/5 stars

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September 19, 2022

Shattering Glass by Gail Giles


"Simon Glass was easy to hate....I guess, really we each hated him for a different reason, but we didn't realize it until the day we killed him."

Fat, clumsy Simon Glass is a nerd, a loser who occupies the lowest rung on the high school social ladder. Everyone picks on him -- until Rob Haynes shows up. Rob, a transfer student with charisma to spare, immediately becomes the undisputed leader of the senior class. And he has plans for Simon.

Rob enlists the help of his crew -- wealthy, intellectual Young, ladies' man Bob, and sweet, athletic Coop -- in a mission: Turn sniveling Simon from total freak to would-be prom king.

But as Simon rises to the top of the social ranks, he shows a new confidence and a devious side that power-hungry Rob did not anticipate. And when Simon uncovers a dangerous secret, events darken. The result is disquieting, bone-chilling...and brutal.

Shattering Glass was an interesting reading experience. Nearly all of the characters were hard to like for one reason or another - including the horrendous "Bro"-type speak - but the story was compelling enough to push me through. 

I think a lot of that also had to do with the unique way the book was written. Each chapter started out with a testimonial from a character in the book from a time years ahead from when the main story takes place. Each statement alludes to something horrible happening with the POV main character, Young, in the center of it. The thing is, it paints him as the bad guy. Meanwhile, in the book's "present time", Young is regarded as a nice, smart kid. I probably made that sound more complicated than it was. But I have to credit that storytelling style for keeping me into the book, because I needed to see what happened and what went wrong. 

I'm just thankful it was all wrapped up at the end and didn't leave me guessing. That would have been an infuriating end to the book. 

Other than that, the plot just seemed so cruel and really played into teen stereotypes - which it what it was trying to do. I don't think anyone came out a winner at the end of the book. I suppose it offers a look into what happens when average teen shenanigans go too far to the extreme. 

2/5 stars

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September 13, 2022

The Wife by Alafair Burke


From New York Times bestselling author Alafair Burke, a stunning domestic thriller in the vein of Behind Closed Doors and The Woman in Cabin 10—in which a woman must make the impossible choice between defending her husband and saving herself.

When Angela met Jason Powell while catering a dinner party in East Hampton, she assumed their romance would be a short-lived fling, like so many relationships between locals and summer visitors. To her surprise, Jason, a brilliant economics professor at NYU, had other plans, and they married the following summer. For Angela, the marriage turned out to be a chance to reboot her life. She and her son were finally able to move out of her mother’s home to Manhattan, where no one knew about her tragic past.

Six years later, thanks to a bestselling book and a growing media career, Jason has become a cultural lightning rod, placing Angela near the spotlight she worked so carefully to avoid. When a college intern makes an accusation against Jason, and another woman, Kerry Lynch, comes forward with an even more troubling allegation, their perfect life begins to unravel. Jason insists he is innocent, and Angela believes him. But when Kerry disappears, Angela is forced to take a closer look—at both the man she married and the women she chose not to believe.

This much-anticipated follow-up to Burke’s Edgar-nominated The Ex asks how far a wife will go to protect the man she loves: Will she stand by his side, even if he drags her down with him?


The Wife is a fun, quick thriller. It's a great afternoon read or a book to work your way through over a weekend. It's not super long and it's not super dense. 

It's a classic story of murder being committed and the questions surrounding who is responsible. Is it the man whose life is spiraling out of control? The wife who wants to believe him? Is something more sinister going on?

It didn't take very long for this book to grip me and suck me into the journey. I became invested in the characters and in the storyline. I had to see how it all ended. 

If you want a mystery that's easy and quick to read, give this one a shot. 

4/5 stars

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The Coast-to-Coast Murders by James Patterson


A detective and an FBI agent join forces on what seems like an open-and-shut case—but a new rash of killings sends them on a pulse-pounding race against time in this intense thriller.

Michael and Megan Fitzgerald are siblings who share a terrifying past. Both adopted, and now grown—Michael is a long-haul truck driver, Megan a college student majoring in psychology—they trust each other before anyone else. They've had to. Their parents are public intellectuals, an Ivy League clinical psychologist and a renowned psychiatrist, and they brought up their adopted children in a rarefied, experimental environment. It sheltered them from the world's harsh realities, but it also forced secrets upon them, secrets they keep at all costs.

In Los Angeles, Detective Garrett Dobbs and FBI Agent Jessica Gimble have joined forces to work a murder that seems like a dead cinch. Their chief suspect is quickly identified and apprehended—but then there's another killing just like the one they've been investigating. And another. And not just in Los Angeles—the spree spreads across the country. The Fitzgerald family comes to the investigators' attention, but Dobbs and Gimble are at a loss—if one of the four is involved, which Fitzgerald might it be?

From coastal California to upstate New York, Dobbs and Gimble race against time and across state lines to stop an ingenious and deeply deranged killer—one whose dark and twisted appetites put them outside the range of logic or experience.

This book is largely responsible for breaking me out of my reading slump early in the year. (Note: yes, I read this early in the year. I'm getting caught up on writing reviews. It's been a crazy year!) 

After I absolutely devoured this book, I NEEDED to jump into another novel immediately because I had such a great time on this journey. Luckily for me, the next book I read was The Family Across the Street by Nicole Trope and that was also an incredible read. So, suddenly I was out of my slump and enjoying reading again instead of not being able to focus. 

But it all started here. 

The Coast-to-Coast Murders is one of the best Patterson books I've read in a long time. It's a crazy journey that tells a story of how powerful the mind is and how insidious mental illness can be. Or how the mind can be warped into working against you. 

This book is full of action. It's full of mystery. It's full of suspense. And it had one of the most gruesome death scenes I've ever read. 

Plus, it truly had me shocked at the end when everything was wrapped up. I never saw the twist coming which was exhilarating to me. 

5/5 stars

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The Stories You Tell (Roxanne Weary #3) by Kristen Lepionka


A late-night phone call is never good news, especially when you’re Roxane Weary. This one is from her brother Andrew whose evening was interrupted by a visit from Addison, a hip young DJ he knows from the hotel bar where he works. She was drunk, bloody, and hysterical, but she wouldn’t say what was wrong. After using his phone, she left as quickly as she appeared, and Andrew is worried. That’s when he calls Roxane.

But another late-night call occurs as well: Addison’s father calls the police after getting a panicked voicemail from his daughter. The only thing he could understand is the address she gave in the message—Andrew’s. Before long, the police are asking Andrew all about why there’s blood in his apartment and what he did to Addison. Meanwhile, another cop is found dead on the opposite side of town, leading to a swirl of questions surrounding a dance club whose staff—which includes Addison—has suddenly gone AWOL.

When I started this book, I didn't realize it was part of a series. Not to mention - the third book in a series. Unfortunately, I haven't read the first two. So this was my first introduction to Roxanne as a protagonist. 

It was quite the interesting story to follow and there were twists and turns all over the place. I was never really sure where it was going to go. But I was invested, so I kept following it. 

Every attempt to get answers unlocked even more questions. And it ended up being more twisted than I imagined when I started it. But the end was sort of frustrating.

I'd be interested to read the first two books in the series one of these days. 

3/5 stars

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